Jun 1, 2010


download Merel band Self-Titled Discography CD (1993)
The Early Recordings 1990 - 1991

Merel were a chaotic, abrasive, and quite loud experimental hardcore that separated itself from the norm with its unlikely musical creativity from New Jersey. 

 The early recordings 1990 - 1991 was made by some fan I guess, and you can find a link to his blog when you click the title of this post. The early recordings contain a lot of songs which are not on the discography CD. Recommended!

I Wish I

One Hundred Words For Snow / I Wish I Split (1997)
Convolusions ‎(2013)

I Wish I were an emo band from San Diego, California. They played for over seven years breaking it up in late 2000.

Now, in 2013, this is read on the Dim Mak webpage:
I*Wish*I will be picking up where they left off and reuniting with Dim Mak to breathe life back in their music and hardcore punk roots. I*Wish*I rejoins with debut single “Ideoglossia”, referring to the private languages of young children, especially twins. 

Their full-length is out now and is called 'Convolusions'.